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Words from Pastor Ken

You Are an Influential Person

Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:13

You are an influential person! Do you believe in your awesome power? Christ does. Every day, in hundreds of ways, you and I are influencing people about what it means (or does not mean!) to live the abundant life in Christ. If the people of our lives had to write a definition of Christianity from what they see and hear from us, what would they write? Our influence is either positive or negative. People are reading the signals all the time. What kind of salt and light have we been?

People and their needs are our agenda. Our faith is to pack a wallop for others. Everything Jesus gives us is for our influence on others. When we settle that, life becomes blessed indeed! We were meant to have impact, influence, and inspiration in the lives of the people we touch. What stands in the way of people seeing Christ’s light burning in us? For some, it’s our personalities, which need Christ’s transformation; for others, it’s our belief that people believe what they want to believe and they don’t want to be bothered, which keeps us from sharing our faith; for still others, it is simply lack of loving concern. The psalmist reminds us of our calling: “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! (Psalm 107:2).”

Pastor Ken